"Customer Management 3.0 – Customer Expectations and Business Opportunities in the World of Tomorrow."
In their lead article, Mehl, Dmoch and Tschödrich take the reader on a journey in the year 2020. Based on a new understanding of actively driven customer communications they develop an inclusive vision of customer management and describe the success factors to be taken into account. In addition to these more theoretical aspects their article acts as melting pot between science and practice in that way that instrumental and methodological guidance is provided to implement the previously discussed new customer management paradigm.
Source: Mehl, R., Dmoch, T. and Tschödrich, S. (2011), Customer Management 3.0 – Customer Expectations and Business Opportunities for in the World of Tomorrow, in: Keuper, F. und Mehl, R. (Hg.) (2011), Customer Management. Vertriebs- und Service-Konzepte der Zukunft, Berlin: Logos, p. 3- 42..